IAS Quiz

IAS Quiz

1.       Which public sector bank was named after the festival day on which it was established?

Vijaya bank (Vijayadashami Day)

2.       Tanami, Strzekecki, Sturt Stony & Pedirka are the deserts of which continent ?


3.       Across which Indian river is the Getalsud reservoir built ?


4.       In which Indian state was the first E-cabinet held in September 2014?

Andhra Pradesh
5.       Which was the heaviest rocket launched by ISRO?


6.       Hard boards are made from the waste of ___________industry?

                 Jute Industry
7.       Which color has a lowering effect of pressure in a blood pressure patients ?


8.       Which article of the constitution deals with the administration of Scheduled Areas and Tribal Areas?
   Article -244

9.       In which year the government of India declared cinema as industry ?

10.   Which disciple of Vivekananda wrote the book ‘Notes of some Wandering with Swami Vivekananda ?
     Sister Nivedita

11.   Who was named the chairman of Empowered Committee of state  Finance Ministers on Goods and Service Tax(GST)?

     Amit Mitra

12.   When was the mother language Day observed ?


13.   Where was the make in India week held from 13th to 18th February?


14.   Kalikho Pul wassworn in as the chief minister of which state ?

                                   Arunachal Pradesh

15.   Which country’s parliament become the first in the world to run entirely on solar power?


16.   Which neighboring country lifted its fuel rationing,after improvement in fuel supplies from India?


17.   Name the navel exercise, between India, South Africa, Brazil , recently held off Goa coast?

                     IBSAMAR 2016

18.   Who is the new chairman of the National Human Rights Commission ?

                                    H L Dattu

19.   Rajendra Singh is the new Director General of which Indian paramilitary force?
                   Indian coast Guard  

20.   World Social Justice day was observed on?
